VICOBA has proved to be the most effective lending model in rural areas in African countries such as: Niger where it was found in 1991 by CARE International in Niger, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, West Nile Uganda, and Eritrea. This lending model was introduced in our country by CARE Tanzania, Zanzibar Area Office (Jozani-Chwaka Bay Conservation Project) in year 2000 and later adopted by other conservation and community livelihood support projects in Pemba Island and Tanzania mainland. The quick adoption and outspread of this model to various projects is made through various development agencies mainly due to the good results it has shown in the areas where it was initially introduced.
The effectiveness of VICOBA scheme is due to its special features and operation principles, which emphasizes on:
- self-help initiatives among the group members,
- community capacity building and local resources mobilization,
- community ownership and shared leadership,
- high level of transparency and effective information sharing,
- promotes voluntary accountability among the group members and
- enhances good governance.
This scheme is flexible in its implementation as can accommodate other social and economic activities of the target communities such as promotion of local markets and production of goods,make social investment in health,education and environmental sanitation initiatives.The scheme emphasizes on capacity building of its members in order to improve performance of their activities. Normally, before the onset of the VICOBA business operations, members attend capacity building training courses on basic savings and credit skills, business Selection, Planning and Management (SPM).
 Proportional sharing of revenue generated from loan interests and other group activities encourages further investment among the individual members such that the shares and profit distribution system allows participants to acquire substantial amounts of capital that can be invested into longer-term activities.

PFT  Promotes groups self help spirit as all group operations are done by its members on voluntary basis (no salaries are paid to leaders). Costs on essential services are met through members’ contributions.

 In order to enhance efficient utilization of the loans taken, VICOBA scheme encourages training on appropriate technology based on marketing information, community needs and locally available resources. 
PFT is appealing for organization or development partner may support the group members attend training on appropriate technology.
Group's Savings and Fund Mobilization
The groups’ savings and fund raising will be done on weekly basis, since the formation of the group to the end of VICOBA group operation cycle.The savings are mobilized through share collections from the members. The value of the share is determined by the members themselves depending on their economic status.
VICOBA groups above on weekly meeting collecting shares

                                   HIV/AIDS PROGRAM
The HIV/AIDS epidemic has been declared a national disaster in Tanzania and is a top priority government development issue.Attribute in part to the epeidemic are reduced life expectancy,lower gross domestic product and productivity,as well as increased infant and child mortality,poverty,household dependancy ratio and number of orphans
VICOBA PROJECT aims to empower caretaker's households (both for orphans and PLWHA) to initiate sustainable economic activities so that they become self-reliant and are able to support themselves and their OVC and PLWHA.The objectives includes mobilizing and training an adult OVC,girls conceived at teenager age,widows,PLWHA on entrepreneurship skills to be able to initiate small scale income generating projects such as chicken and goat rearing,tree nursery,handcrafts,soap making,food processing ect
Many orphans and Vulnerable chidren live in great poverty.In many cases,this poverty has been caused or worsened by HIV.HIV related illness and death affects the economic coping  capacity of children when ill parents and bread winners produce decreasing income and deplete family resources.
When children's needs are not met,their opportunities diminish and vicious cycle of poverty sets in,living in poverty reduces children's chances of a good education.
Stregthening household Economic resources.
PFT will focus to streghthening household capacity to genarate income includes improving their access to microfinance,savings and credit,and can help households to maintain a small but staedy income in times of crisis.
Also Introduce practical measures that allow people time for income generation and productive activities with the approach like establish day care centers so that caregicers can work,Increase employment and income generating opportunities and partner with an experienced microfinance organization and Institution to increase access to microfinace services.

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