The overall management structure of Poverty Fighting Tanzania (PFT) is made up of the Annual General Meeting,The Board and the Managing director,the AGM is the supreme organ of the organization.
The managing director who is also secretary of the board is in-charge of the day-to-day management and implementation of the organization's development activities.
PFT manages the programmes through a term consituted by Managing director,Programme manager,Director of Administration and Finance,Head of Education and Training,Project Accountant,Site Facilitators and Office Secretary.
PFT organizational structure supports implementation of the organizational programmes,the structure combines the administrave and projects organizational and staffs have created a storng bond of team work supported with spirit of hard working.
Financial Management,is important to the integrity and credibility of PFT,Financial accounting is highly accepted and implemented,managed,monitored and protected.
All board members have a part to play in governing the organization,ensure good use of the organization's finances as it is accountable to beneficiaries and to donors,this can be done in a number of different ways,such as to identify and approve the annual budget ensuring it covers the activities identified and maintanance of organization's assets,Monitor fundrainsing progress and Income is keeping up with planned expenditure,Commission an indepedent financial audit each year to ansure that the financial systems and processes are sound,efficient and effective.
                                            PFT staff members:


                        2.Ally Manjasi (Director of finance and administration)

                      3.Robert A. Duma (Head of Education and Training)

                        4.Yeremia Manento (Accountant)

                                             Ann-Kathrin Facius Volunteer

                                               Johannes Linde -Volunteer

                                           Magreth Kututwa -Site Facilitator

                                              mahija Ndaga -Site Facilitator

                                             Naima Ramadhani -Secretary

                                             Naima Shellani Site Facilitator

                                       Selemani Mshimbua Site Facilitato


                                          Board Chairman

                                             1.Abbas Z.Mtemvu


  1. Naomba kujua kuhusu semina ya ujasiriamaki mtakayo itoa

  2. Naomba kujua kuhusu semina ya ujasiriamaki mtakayo itoa
